Happy Mother's Day

Something inside you changes on the day you become a mother. 

I try to describe it to my friends who are yet to have children, but it's really hard to put into words. The most significant and life altering change is this unshakeable confidence you gain after growing and bringing a new human into the world. No one can take that away from you. The joys of motherhood are numerous and indescribable, and even the thought of putting them into words is daunting. I've grown more in the last 7.5 months than I had in 30 years, and I've almost managed to become a morning person.

Today I'm going to hug my mama extra tight, because now that I'm a mother, I have a bit more insight on just what she has done for the three of us over the past 38 years. As much as I think I know, I know I still have a lot to learn. But what I do know, is all of us need to support each other no matter what our parenting style or choices may be. Because in the end, we're all just doing our best. 

So Happy Mother's Day, mamas! I hope you are doing exactly what you want today and feel extra appreciated today and every single day. Because let's be honest, you make the world go 'round, and they literally could not do it without us.  

(And in case you're curious, Oribe dry texturizing spray is seriously the best hair product out there... It is probably the only item in my arsenal whose ingredients I just don't want to know about. It is how my hair still looks decent in the above pictures after 23 hours of unmedicated labor. It's worth every penny.)

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